2018 Treasure Hunt Challenge

Up super early this morning to stop at Charlecote Mill, Warwickshire, on my way to the office

I’m a bit confused, I must say. The Mill looks like a private house to me, but the website says its still very much alive, and has a few open days, the next in August

Charlecote is one of only a small handful of surviving commercial working watermills in the UK. Producing traditionally stoneground flours through French Burr Stones every weekday (when the water levels allow), the mill is a constant hive of activity (not before 7.00am it’s not!) but retains all the atmosphere and charm of a mill run in Victorian times. Almost everything is done using the power of the two waterwheels, as it always was, and all of its products are hand finished and hand packed personally by Karl, the Miller.

The present Mill was built in 1806, with the water wheels restored by the BBC in 1978 for their production of “The Mill on the Floss”