A2CofC practical flying requirements

Don’t forget, nobody has ever failed the A2 CofC test :slight_smile:


Great to know that thanks, I pray I’m not the first :man_kneeling:t2::grin:

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Just do the practice exam a few times and you’ll ace it, no problem!


Thank you for the positive encouragement :blush:


I signed up for the A2 CofC . Not for the qualification, but simply for the education. I only fly my Mini 3 Pro now ( and have no realistic intention of purchasing anything greater than 250gms) So the actual qualification really has no use in itself for me ( saved the exam fee too )

You’ll ace it - as already said, keep doing the mocks until you’re fed up then book your online test - simples :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks again for the positive encouragement,
Have gone through the whole first part again today all videos & questions, now time to step into the mocks, bloody tiring those videos :sleeping:
Once again big thanks


Have to say in 48 hours I now no way way more than I did before, so now onto the next chapter :crossed_fingers:t2:

I think you mean :wink:

Nah, I did mean to me personally, Chris. Maybe if I win a few million on the lottery I’d want to move up to something heavier ( Mavic series perhaps), but at the moment, I see no use in me having the actual qualification ( don’t fly at night taking shots/ videos of city centres ) I’ll stick with my sub 250 gm drone for now :wink::wink:

Evening & sorry to ask & or hope I’ve put this in the correct place, umm have I been seeing things or is / was there a link somewhere for members discount with uavhub ? I’ve looked but the one I found was in 2021 & says no more, sorry to ask & thank you in advance .

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Our club members are eligible for a 25% discount with UAV Academy:

Details of the deal can be found in Members Only


Many thanks, I thought it was the other company,
My confusion.

I have nearly completed the A2CofC training course. I have done all of the theory and done the mock theory test many times with 90"+ pass rate. The only thing that stops me from doing the exam is that I don’t do regular flying but I have enough flying hours under my belt, I want to be honest when I do the self declaration. Any advice will be welcome please. Thanks.

Get out and fly more

Or stretch the truth on the self declaration.

No one ever failed


Now thats not quite technically true. :open_mouth:

I failed the pre-requisite 360 degree video of the room I sat the exam in. But I passed the exam.

After a couple of emails to training company, they accepted the photos I’d taken with the webcam and issued me with a pass certificate :+1:t2:

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Pass is a pass is a pass.


No requirement from the CAA for any practical assessment in the A2 CofC at all.


Thanks to all for the responses. Yes I need to get out and fly more. I have had the distraction (or rather attraction) of a little bee in the form of a granddaughter. Can get out more starting this spring. Will enroll my son in to the club in the coming weeks.