Have a look at MPB if you’re going for a secondhand drone - they’ve got a very good reputation with numerous satisfied buyers on here including myself
Well, I’ve been an gorn an dunnit now, inni. New mini 2se ordered from the Dark Lord, gawdelpus. In the end, the unbinding problem put me off buying from eBay; only one seller stated that his drone had been unbound, and this was a mavic and too heavy for my 250g requirement. I’m fairly happy that I’ve done the right thing, or at least the best I could, now all I’ve got to do is wait for it to be delivered. I think it would be nice if it were delivered by drone…
Quicker by post
Don’t forget to buy some care refresh
Soon as I can, Chris, it’s obviously a very good scheme.
So they say, I’m still to make a claim but trying
Mavic Mini, insurance replacement for my seagull-murdered Mini 2 SE, arrived yesterday and I took it for a test flight earlier. Cardiff Bay, started off at Hamadryad Park to put her through her paces, then some filming of the boats at thr yacht club. Was going to do more, but there wasn’t enpugh charge in the RC.
There are drawbacks and I’ll be saving up for something better, Mini 4K being top choice so far. The weak point is the wifi connection between the RC and the drone, but I can live with it forca while.
No zoom? That’s a bigger drawback than a blue whale’s foreskin! I’m working on the weak signal issue; lost signal twice yesterday, bit of a panic but the RTH brought My Little Drony back home. Not sure I’m orientating the antenna right; should they be pointing towards the drone or at right angles to it? Apparently some improvement can be had from putting the smartphone into ‘aircraft’ mode, which switches off the phone’s wifi, so I’ll be doing that in future; the connection needs all the help it can get!
Also, I wanted to make this topic under the heading of ‘My Little Drony’ (which I thought was pretty cool) in General Drone Discussion because it’s not really about Q & A, more just my observations of flying a Mavic Mine,but the committee havemerged it with this one, which really only applied when I was shopping for a drone in the first place. I admit to asking two questions in this very post, though! Can I alter the topic title?
Incidentally there were inevitably plenty of seagulls, including young 'uns in dull plumage wandering around looking a bit lost like they do, but none of them bothered with MLD; let’s keep it that way, gulls…
So I have a DJI Mini 4K and from what I’ve read and researched a little the mini 4k is basically the mini 2se but it can record in 4k has better internals and believe the camera is slightly better
Currently on Amazon for £269 next day delivery (if prime)
That’s right. Mini 2 SE (as murdered by seagulls) is similar in terms of bodyshell, gimbal, and camera to the Mavic Mini, but doesn’t have the Macic Mini’s drone/RC wifi connection and does have 4x video/2x photo zoom. Mavic Mini has a MD1SD25 or MR1SS5 RC unit, with the smartphone held in side clamps below the unit.
Mini 4K is identical to 2 SE apart from the 4K video capacity. The RC unit for both is the RC-N1, with the smartphone held in a clamp above the unit which also acts as the antenna.
Chronologically, Mavic Mini: wifi connection/no zoom/MD12D25-type RC, then Mini 2 SE; Occusync 2.0 drone/RC connection (much better than wifi), video 4x Zoom photo 2x, RC-N1 RC, then Mini 4K, as 2 SE but with 4K video. I believe the intelligent batteries are common to all three drones, but have slightly longer run time in the 2 SE/4K. The 2 SE/4K are also lighter, at 246g, while the Mavic Mini is 249g. Charging cable plug/sockets are mircro-usb on the Mavic, mini on the 2 SE/4K.
The current price of the 4K makes it a viable alternative to the 2 SE for only £20 more, and thus is the drone I will be saving my beer vouchers for unless there is a price drop for the 2 SE. The Mavic Mini is no longer being produced.
Since my last post, the battery issue with the Mavic Mini RC has deteriorated. PMB have offered me a refund to replace it (they gave me the choice of waiting for a replacement to come into stock or putting the credit to another drone, tempting but I can’t really afford that at the moment). I’ve ordered a 2ndhand RC off the Bay for £35 which should arrive by next Tuesday, and the forecast is good to fly and sunny for Tuesday evening if all goes well!