Animation of my photos


That is awesome, well done! How are you doing this exactly? My guess is a sequence of photos with fast shutter, whilst moving position slightly :thinking:

My guess is manipulation of a single image, possibly using some kind of AI.

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Hi Chris, Hi Jez
Manipulation of one single image is spot on!
First you would create multi layers in Photoshop, depending on the image. If you are moving the hand, for example, you would need to cut out the hand out of the photo and place it on another layer. then you would need to fill-in the void you left behind.
Then you transfer the layers of one photo to a software such as Aftereffect. this is where you would create the motions for one and render it as a clip of say 3 or 4 seconds. Repeat this for the other photos.
The longer you spend on details, the more intriguing and realistic it would look. The dust particles or the rain are special effects. They were not in the original photos.
The whole video took me about 20 days, two or three hours per day. I was tempted to make another video but I think I leave until I’m retired!


Thats alot of work Michael but Wow! What amazing results! :clap:t2:


A hell of a lot of effort gone in to that, Fantastic work :+1:

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Thank you Mick :+1:

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Thanks again, Chris :+1:

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Mesmerising to watch! Incredible.

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Really good, the music fits very well too.

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Just fantastic. I’m a photographer… I salute you!
Sorry you’ve retired!

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I was spell-bound by some of the clips. :star_struck:
Congratulations and thanks for sharing. :clap:

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Much appreciated, Justin!