This month’s VOTM Competition starts today. The subject’s are Cliffs or Cityscapes, you are free to interpret these in any way you feel.
All footage submitted must have been filmed during the filming window, which opened at 0000 on the 1st April and closes at 2359 on the 30th April 2024. Edited videos must then be submitted it by the end of the editing window, which closes on the 7th of May at 2359, which is the closing date and time of the competition.
Voting will then be opened on the 8th of May for 1 week, where you will be able to vote for as many videos as you like before the closing date on the 14th of May at 2359.
The requirement is to submit a video created using footage captured by your own drone to illustrate the subject of the competition. The competition will be held monthly and footage for the month must be captured from 00:01 on the 1st of the calendar month until 2359 on the last calendar date of the month - unless otherwise specified. Entries must then be submitted by 2359 on the 7th of the following month – to allow time for editing footage captured up until the last moment of the last day of the month.
Editing is confined to colour and exposure adjustments and crop only. There must be no removal or pasting of an object.
Unless otherwise stated VOTM entries should be no longer than 5 minutes and preferably less than 4 minutes.
Please post only one video, the video you wish to be judged, in this thread.
Video’s must be posted with the following information as a minimum:
In Capitals as the first line of your post:
If this is not done at the time of posting the picture will be ignored. Should it be absolutely necessary to change your video then delete the previous video and add “This is my entry” - as above - as the first line of your new post. If in any doubt contact the Challenges Committee
Further Information is required
Time and date
Aircraft/camera used
Feel free to add any further information that you think will be of interest.
Videos will be judged by the members of GADC who may vote for any number of videos by means of an anonymous poll open for seven days after the closing date for competition entries.
Voting in the poll is open to all GADC members, whether they have entered the competition or not.
You may vote for one, all, some or none of the entries, however please DO NOT vote for your own video as you will be disqualified.
The original media may be requested by the judges in case of a dispute.
As always, have Fun! Be Safe!
All flights are the sole responsibility of the individual conducting them. Each competitor must abide by the drone code and adhere to the limitations and restrictions imposed upon them by aviation law, the aircraft being used and the qualifications they hold. Landowners’ wishes and permissions must be respected. If a flight is undertaken in a restricted zone proof of permission having been granted is required.