Arnside Tower, Historical Ruin

Arnside Tower, Historical Ruin

Situated about a mile and a half outside of Arnside, and to the South East of Arnside Knott, Arnside tower is a spectacular and almost unique example of a Cumbrian pele tower.

The oldest building in the parish, the tower was built in the late 14 or early 15th century. These fortified homes were not built as castles or fortified as strongly but were built as towering homes that could help protect the area from Scottish raiders.

Arnside Tower stands astride a natural limestone knoll, with the sea protecting it on one side and marshes on the other. The main entrance was through a pointed arch on the north-east side and this gave access to the central staircase. A smaller entrance was constructed later on the south-east side and there was a second staircase in the south corner.In 1815, Arnside Tower was sold to Daniel Wilson of Dallam Tower and the tower has been owned by the family that reside there ever since.

In 1884, a great storm hit the coast, with devastating effect. The south-west side collapsed along with the central partition wall. The tower has remained in this ruined state to this day.

Music by Enya: The Loxian Gate.
