Asked for permission out of politeness

I’m out filming a few locations tomorrow if the weather plays ball. I’ve done my due diligence and checked on Dronescene and all seems good to go.

I want to do a shot that flies over a small lake (associated with a quarry). The camera, however, will be pointed away from the quarry. The quarry and it’s facilities will not come into shot.

Out of politeness, and so that I don’t get any hassle, I made contact with the quarry to explain what I hoped to do and to check if it was OK.

In a single word response, I got a ‘No.’.

I have 3 choices:-

  1. go ahead anyway with my M2P. Dronescene suggests it is ok.
  2. use my Mini2 instead as I can legally fly that anywhere without needing permission (I know I can’t, but just making my point here for ease)
  3. try and create a shot that doesn’t involve overflying the lake
  4. cry and don’t bother

What are your thoughts please?

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Got a link to drone scene for information?

Looks to me that it should be OK. Who owns the land you take off from will be the sticking point.

A quick search shows a fair few videos with drone footage from the quary so doesn’t seem like it is heavily policed.

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You think I’d be ok to push ahead with my M2P, or would you use the M2 to be ‘safe’?

Use your M2 and as it’s clearly not in any kind of restricted zone and not classed as critical infrastructure just go ahead and fly to your hearts content. Just be sure to TOAL from a public space.

I’d also print off the relevant sections of the CAA Drone Code relating to airspace, minimum distances from people and buildings etc and take them with you in case you’re confronted and want to stand your ground.

They cannot dictate or control who or what flies over their quarry or lake.


I’d say option 4 because asking “out of politeness” isn’t really polite if you’re planning to just go ahead and do it anyway. You’d have been better off just doing it.


Yes - that was my thoughts too. I wish I’d never opened my mouth.

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I’d go for it with the mini 2, take of from a public place and capture what you need. Unless your skimming people’s heads they probably won’t even know your there. :ok_hand:t4:


Shouldn’t be too worried about already asking, just some grumpy ass who didn’t get any last night I expect. Looks more than legal to me.


Many of us on here use the
Never seek permission always seek forgiveness.

It’s much easier. :ok_hand:t4::joy:


When I email people for “permission” nowadays, I make it very clear that I’m asking if I can come onto their land, and so make sure they are properly reassured about any safety and privacy issues. I make it clear that I’m not asking for permission to overfly, and state that I can do so legally from nearby public land.


if you fly early morning or late evening then chances are there wont be anybody about,but if you are not happy to fly forget it and fly elsewhere .


When I was flying at Penshaw monument recently I expected some hassle from members of the public simply because National Trust had a NO DRONES sign on the entrance , now we know NT can refuse to allow us to use their land to TOAL but they cant stop us from overflying from an alternative location , but the public don’t know that and probably thought look at him ignoring the rules …hooligan! …and I wouldn’t be suprised if the land owner in question at this quarry wasn’t aware of the freedom to overfly …and that is why some of us creep about like criminals early morning.


I would say 4. You have asked and they have refused, if the quarry uses explosives they must protect site locations. If for any reason you get caught now using it and police get involved you are in serious trouble as you were given clear direction not to do so. Find somewhere else as it’s most likely it will turn out much better because you won’t be doing it on your nerves.
"n many circumstances, the operation of UAS falls within the remit of non-aviation national legislation, and local byelaws, for example public-order offences, ensuring pedestrian and vehicle rights-of-way, security and safety in public places and at schools, limits on recreational activities in public parks etc.

@Loveantrim Sorry but they have absolutely no right whatsoever to refuse anyone flying over their land. And you say ‘caught’…caught doing what exactly. Caught not breaking any laws whatsoever?

No bylaws, no PSPO’s, no CAA regulated zones, no SSSI, no wildlife or wetland restrictions…Free to fly over where you like. Why should he find somewhere else to fly over?

If you are not breaking any laws. Which he wouldn’t be then crack on, enjoy the flying and if challenged know your rights, know the laws and stand you’re bloody ground. If you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear and if, and it’s a BIG if, the police do get called your flight logs and your knowledge are all you need.


I think as many has said before, assuming that stance doesn’t fit with asking for permission in the first place.

If the OP has asked for permission (rightly or wrongly) and been turned down, carrying on with the flight regardless is worse than not asking anyone at all.

I’m sure phutureproof will take a look at all replies and make the right decision. Thank you OldsoulBOY its nice to have in put from so many.

What was the answer from the other locations ?


If there was such a risk then it would be clear and potentially on the map as a danger zone.

They have no power or right to regulate airspace.

If the OP TOAL’s from public land and flys within the drone code there is absolutely nothing anybody can say about it.


Thank you for answering my questions.