Autel Evo II 2 leak - Now not a leak!

Being able to use my existing CS was the deal breaker for me, I love that screen. Still waiting for the CrystalSky mounts from USA though (not even dispatched yet) so I’ll have to try it with my phone for now.

Another first impression, the batteries are huge, about the size of the Inspire batteries. Was surprised, expected something more Mavic Pro battery sized. But the size/weight should make it quite stable.

Looking forward to no stupid, made-up, NFZs too :+1:t2:

Anyway, I’ll pour over it over the weekend and share some more photos and observations as I go.

This is my first Autel drone so expect some posts which might sound like a surprise to an Autel-n00b like me but be common place to existing Autel owners :blush:

I’m also curious to see if the controller can be modded so I can use it with my ground station. @FIREFOX have you come across any antenna mods? Will also be on the lookout for clam-shell type cases so I can chuck a few bits in a rucksack, again Tony, come across any for your Evo?