Batteries on charge

Just put charger on having not flown for a while now, realised with the weather as it is I think I need to grab opportunities when I can! So no good if batteries have gone into auto discharge.
I know it’s a safety feature but bloody annoying when you get a break in the weather- put battery in only to find it’s discharged :japanese_ogre:
Live and learn :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:


I forget who I suggested this to just recently, but what if you kept one battery on the go all the time (regularly charged it each week).

For such occasions when the sun does come out?

Then while you’re flying that single battery, the others can be on charge and you won’t be hammering them all needlessly - only one of them :slight_smile:

I’m sure if I compared the total number of battery recharges to the total number of (real) flights, it would be a seriously high ratio.
The number of times I’ve charged all three and only used one or, sometimes, two, and the many times I’ve charged all three without a single flight. Scary!
They still all work just fine, though.

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I wonder if there’s any believable stats on the relative battery degradation between long-term storage at the DJI default level, versus a weekly top-up?

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It’s a stat that AirData might have? :thinking:

Not sure it’d be a public stat though.

But yes, an interesting theory none the less.

There’s a common fear around resale value on high charge-count batteries, certainly for DJI equipment. Whether there’s any truth / risk behind it? Don’t know… that’s beyond my level of battery expertise :slight_smile:

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I may soon have the evidence on the degradation (or “lack of”, hopefully) to a P2 battery that’s been totally neglected for over 3 years (didn’t use much in the months before getting the MP, let alone since), and that struggled to blink a single LED when I decided to try and get it back to life, a few weeks back.
Overall charging time now looks to be about right.
Just need to get somewhere and see if it can still manage a 20+ minute hover.

This keeps catching me out :roll_eyes: I haven’t flown since October :disappointed: I can’t even remember how to operate the camera/video :sob:

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