Can't stop making videos!

Need s shrink or medication to stop this unhealthy habit of flying my “ppreciousss” and making videos!!!


Better than my anti social habit of building, rebuilding, but hardly ever flying :joy::joy:
I really must get out more !!!
Steve :slightly_smiling_face:


But that’s what I do a lot of!

It’s very addictive, I’ve got the DJI Phantom 4 and just purchased a Spark lol

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Great video…hope you didn’t hit any grouse

Definitely worthy (:thinking:) of the Misty Moments Badge that’s been added to your profile. :+1:

At the beginning, I thought there was someone trying to hide in the heather … then realised it was a back-pack, or something. :laughing:

The backpack is my dog :grin::grin::grin:

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Ah! “Mist” that. :wink:

Misty moment badge??didn’t even know it existed? Don’t know anything about badges in GADC, is there anywhere I can read more of those? Or are ppl making it up as they they go along?

Someone never bothered to read their automated “Welcome” direct message when they joined, eh! :wink:

List of badges

Guilty as charged!!!
Will try and do better from now on!
Hell of a lot of badges.
Now trying to be good and read up on registration, then on regulations and lastly some sort of GADC course of which I know nothing as yet!! Please be patient and give me a couple of years? :sunglasses:

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