Castell Conwy Castle

Ok, you’ve part sold it to us👍. I’ll have a look at what’s what maybe over this weekend. Cheers John

I love the video. I really like the framing, the top do down shots, the panning around…

On the other side, if you allow me a criticism, I do not like the intro. Even though it is very fancy, in my humble opinion does not match the style of the video. But that’s just my opinion.

The rest of the video, I absolutely love it. Keep them coming.

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Thanks so much for the compliments on the video, I really appreciate that!

– always - I like to respond though if that’s alright!?

You mean the pink bit at the beginning with my name on (mini credits)? That’s fair, although I’d like to give a bit of context. Initially, when I started the YouTube channel, I noticed a lot of people were using intros. Naturally I went ahead and sorted one out. Problem was, the music that goes over it felt a bit clunky at the beginning as time went on. So now I start with the intro still, but with the main music the video is going to use, already starting. Seemed to flow a bit better, but yes you’re right. I think if One is going to use an intro, it’ll never match the video contents unfortunately.

I have been thinking about only putting it at the end as an identifier, but I’m not sure yet.

Or have I got it wrong, and you meant another bit?

Either way, thanks for the input - it only ever makes us better.

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Absolutely. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This is just an opinion, I’m not a profesional editor (or even an amateur, to be honest), my videos are very soddy.
But apart from the intro, the content that you create I find it very good.
So yes, just take what I say with a pinch of salt.

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