Debs Using Gyroflow for smoother video

Playing with Gyroflow and Runcam mini thumb camera.

Location: ///cowboy.sadly.flows

Still getting some bad vibrations (this was the best clip without vibrations) - @Yith May be right about bleeper location.

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That beeper you have is not appropriate for that quad, too big for it. You could try swapping for something smaller, like the one bellow which doesn’t require its own battery to operate (not as loud as the one you have, but still usable and much lighter), or simply use the the motors as beepers.


For this build I have it on this tpu housing attached to the back screw, works great and has done its job all the times I’ve needed it.

The problem with having one without a battery is what happens if a battery ejects.

I had this on my 2" quad and nearly lost it some long grass. After 4 of us searching for about 30mins we found it.

So, either fly where there is little chance of you losing it, or get a beeper with a battery.

My 2" now has one of these on it. It’s even smaller than a vifly…!GBP!£18.34!£9.17!!!!!%40211b444416886472240345196edf13!12000032762597431!btf&_t=pvid%3A13609a69-138b-46f2-a3f9-43956fb9d126&afTraceInfo=1005005367632009__pc__pcBridgePPC__xxxxxx__1688647224&spm=a2g0o.ppclist.product.mainProduct

However mine now doesn’t stop beeping until the battery runs out. Even if you want it to! (It worked properly initially.) Still the beeping is less annoying than a lost quad.

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Yes, there is that caveat (tbh I completely overlooked that fact), good point. :+1:

Playing devil’s advocate here… for this specific scenario, if he has a crash strong enough for battery ejection, chances are that buzzer will part ways with the quad as well anyways, so it wouldn’t be of much help either.

There are so many scenarios to think of in favor or against having one with battery or not, but in the end, whatever you end using, just make sure its weight is adequate and that it is secured well somewhere out of the most common impact zones (also, having one is better than none).

ViFLY now do a mini version of their finder V2 :+1:t2:

With where it’s mounted now for sure… however it may be better on an arm, etc?

Usually toothpick frames are used more for racing type activities, I guess, in that case you’re less likely to be flying over dodgy areas and more likely in a nice well mown field. :slight_smile: So one way is to not fly anywhere where you might lose it!

I think the one I linked to is even smaller than that! I have Vifly mini’s in some quads and one would not fit in my 2" frame. :slight_smile:

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