Does my 17 year old son need an Operator ID and Flyer ID to fly my drone?

My son is 17 and doing a media studies course at college.
Before the CAA rules about operator and flyer ID’ came in he was very proficient at flying my Mavic Pro.
He has asked me can he borrow the MP for a college assignment which I don’t have any issues with.
I am working overseas at the moment so I can’t be there to keep an eye on things.
So my question is as he is only 17 is he allowed to fly the MP and if so does he require an Operator ID or a Flyer ID.

He needs to get a flyer ID which is free, I can’t see anywhere that he has to be supervised. He can fly under your operator ID.
It seems once he has a flyer ID he’s good to go.
You will be legally responsible for his flights with your drone


Thank you Steve

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If you are the SUA Operator and already have your Operator ID on the aircraft all he needs is the Flyer ID.

That’s exactly what I needed to read, many thanks