Drone or Jupiter?!

‘A rookie Scots police officer feared she was being pursued for miles by a drone – but the bright light in the sky was actually a planet. It was only after a drawn-out “pursuit” that she sought help from senior officers, who told her it was Jupiter – some 365 million miles away.’
Scots cop called officers for help after being pursued by drone but dot in sky was actually Jupiter - Daily Record

:joy: :joy: :joy:


More ammunition for us when someone reports seeing a “DRONE”. :rofl::rofl:

…… methinks that’s a bit beyond VLOS for a drone :joy: :astonished: :thinking: :joy:

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Venus is way brighter … :man_shrugging:


She obviously wasn’t! :joy:


That’s definitely cakes! :rofl:

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But if she could see it so could the pilot. Its a bit bigger than a Mini. :wink:


Smokin’ or distillery tour before shift. Or possibly blonde

Can the police be prosecuted for wasting police time?
Makes also think where her mirrors were pointing whilst she’s driving?

I wish I was in her station, I see a few balloons getting tied to her belt

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Maybe all of the above :joy:


This reminds me of when I worked in air traffic some years ago, and took a low flying complaint from a woman who was convinced a SeaKing helicopter had been following her home.

I had to politely explain to her that because of low visibility, our helicopters used the road between the satellite airfield and the main site to navigate back.

I think she was a bit disappointed to not have a pilot stalker…