Drone police at Manchester Airport

If you want to fly those just join one of the associations that offer A16 operational authorisation with membership?


It’s never been trespass for an aircraft to fly over land/property in the United Kingdom.

Interesting turn of phrase given your username ;o)

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The thing I really object to is the £10 a year stealth tax. To do a hobby. i think the CAA takes the piss with that. I could live with a one off £10 charge for registration, but yearly, they can go take a flying leap off the nearest cliff.

I don’t annoy people, I don’t even fly around people, I tend to fly places where Joe public would never go anyway and in some places even the local constabulary would fear to tread. I just stay off the radar. But at the same time I only fly small drones that people would assume are a toy (nothing that can fly is a toy), so it’s probably a large part of why I don’t get bothered. I also tend to fly at times when people aren’t around, like 4-5am in the morning, in summer. Even in Winter, you can fly many places on a cold day and never see another person.

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Buzz Lightyear :wink:

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Gordon Bennett - when are the old bill going to finally get back to pacing round neighbourhoods, getting to know the residents and deterring crime?
Two weeks ago I was going to collect my car from behind Westminster Abbey and saw a guy clad head to foot in black, hurl a hammer at a passing car. When the little Audi turned round to chase him I saw in the other hand he had a machete. He ran off onto a small estate when 3 police cars turned up sirens blazing. One, turned into the driveway the youth ran while a couple of bystanders who’d also seen it were shouting and pointing ‘THAT WAY!’. What did the copper do? Stopped, reversed out, parked, and got out. Give chase? Fat chance.
Suppose I’d also rather be flying a taxpayer funded Matrice too although I genuinely wonder at their effectiveness in solving crime. Operation Servator? Give me a break.


But it is the act of a reasonable and polite person to ask anyway. People might not like the buzzing.

Mind you , it seemed reasonable to say hello to the airport back in 2016 even when there was no requirement out of a similar sense of not wanting to cause offence.

If you are not flying to the drone code, how can the actual law be on your side?

If the “always one” is directed at me, I would be thanking me for updating you on the changes. But then again you are obviously looking down on me.

That’s not flying. That’s falling with style. :grin:

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Get back to me when Ryanair asks before overflying your house.

I don’t generally ask permission to do something that is within my legal rights to do without it.

Also an interesting thing to say given this was what you said earlier.

I don’t particularly like the sound of my neighbour plinking their airgun in their back yard. But so long as they take all the steps to stay within the law and not have pellets coming across the boundary I respect it’s their right to do it without asking for my blessing. Simples.

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Being reasonable and polite in my disposition can co exist with not wanting my freedoms to become taxed licences at the stroke of a pen…

I’m aware that seems quite impossible for many of you to understand, hence the draconiaon levels of regulation attending what used to be a very simple activity. And that little mandatory annual fee, that’s just such a mickey-take. But none of you can see it…

…and promptly booked the driver for a faulty brake light, while the real scumbag made himself scarce. :roll_eyes:

Oh boy.

Gotta get a box ticked for that call out.

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Someone gets it…

I’m passing comment on your post after reading all your posts.

If you don’t like it here, fuck off back to Facebook.



muppet mark2 #IfYouKnowYouKnow. :rofl:


Is that the same as that little annual mandatory fee called a tax return or a council tax bill or your car duty. For something to be regulated it has to be funded, if it is not regulated you will have everyone flying their toy drones where ever they please and looking down on us.

That is how I see it.

Love it.

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And for a hobby I can (and do) easily convert to a side hustle and make buck on it’s really not a bad deal.

How much does the licence to drive a taxi cost anyway?

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