I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a drone was responsible. Of course I’m as irked with all the drone-shaming as anyone but 1) Americans are mostly self-serving dolts who think rules and guidelines don’t apply to them (I’m American and live amongst some of the dumbest of the dumb so I can say that with impunity lol) - I can totally envision some idiot thinking to hell with the rules, I’m going to get drone footage of the fire where aircraft are flying trying to fight the fire and YOU CAN’T STOP ME. Sadly that’s the American mentality. 2) I’m not sure what X-jets is smoking but nobody is going huntin through the scorched earth to try to recover evidence of a drone that has likely been incinerated by the fire
What else could it have hit ?
No sign of blood etc. so not a bird, even if a bird would be flying over a fire in the first place !
If I remember the 1989 film ‘Always’ correctly, exploding trees was a bit of a problem…
That said, the number of clips I’ve seen in the past two days from people rushing out to film these planes for their TikToks I have zero doubt at least one moron thought it would be click-worthy to park a drone in front of them.
Fire debris. It can get blown upwards in the up drafts due to heat. So could be chuncks of wood.
But as Bruce says too many people assuming before any evidence was shown. No idea where he got that picture from though.
I would question a DJI mini causing that damage.