Flying M2Pro with RE Goggles to count deer

I thought I’d post a non 3D printing post today :slight_smile: so I don’t get pigeon-holed!

I got a great deal recently from which made the bundle with the new race edition goggles impossible to resist! They were basically free!

Today I flew the Mavic 2 Pro with goggles to try it out. First impressions are they’re very good but to get the advertised range in HD you really need a clear line of sight for the signal.

One of my many hobbies (although I do this one professionally) is managing wildlife (deer mostly) on a big estate. To work out the annual population figures I have to regularly have a good census of where they are and how many. So today I used the drone and goggles and flew our woodland boundaries. I found flying the drone via controls with goggles controlling gimbal the best combination for me.

Didn’t take long to find this fallow although video is crappy as I had no line of sight to drop drone lower.