Fun and Friendly Edit Challenge - 1st July - Winners Announced

When you have time Chris @clinkadink please post your chosen pic via WeTransfer

The Rules, Please Read
Objects may be removed but nothing added. This means adding anything into the picture that was not there in the first place, swapping skies etc.
You may post edits with added objects, but they will not be considered for the poll
Create and post as many edits you like, but please tell us which one is your entry. If you don’t then your last submitted edit shall be used.
Entries can be submitted until 7pm on Sunday 9th July.
Entries open as soon as Chris submits his picture.


Excited to see what folk can do with this week’s edit of Glastonbury Tor in Somerset.

Included in the zip are several formats; RAW, HDR, PNG and JPG.


TF I got new broadband in and don’t have to go cut the grass while it downloads Chris :rofl:


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@clinkadink sorry for being thick but are we only to edit the picture that you have posted or can we edit any of the other angles that were taken of the subject in the zip folders ? Cheers

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Hi Jim, good spot! My bad, I’ve included an extra bracketed set of a similar shot. Copy and paste error.

I have updated the WeTransfer link to a ZIP without these photos in.

Correct :+1:

I’d edited one of the other ones and then asked :see_no_evil:.
This is not an entry.





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Oh go on then, I’ll have a bash!
putting Photoshop A.I through its paces.

I’ve been waiting on this. I actually typed out new rules changes to exclude AI entries but thought I would run into resistance so decided to wait and see how many people used it. MMMMHHHHH, This one stands for sure as there are no rules to say otherwise, but next round? Perhaps we need to have a vote on this?
Regardless, it’s a pretty powerful tool. Not sure I agree or even like it though. To me it is removing the skill from everything, not just photo editing though, and I am actually a little scared of where it is going and what it’s going to lead to in the future.


A.I is new to me but I’m curious, what’s the difference with using A.I to remove people or Lightroom Healing tool? :face_with_monocle:

Them seem to do the same job PS was just easier lol

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The end result has no difference if you are good enough. AI is removing any remaining skill required. Digital photography is bad enough as it is, everyone buys themselves a digital and calls themself a photographer, thinking they can turn a shite photo into a good one using software. Few people actually practise the art of photography nowadays. They point, shoot, and then destroy it even further by trying to use daft filters and HDR the shite out of it, some of them even invite lovely comments on shitebook. Now we have AI to do it all in a few clicks. I just fear it’s going to make people really lazy and stop them trying to use their brains, learn and improve. I’ve always been in a believer in work smarter, not harder. But I feel things are starting to go a little too far. Just my humble opinion of course.


I’m still lost lol. Oh and im one of those people that bought a digital camera and calls myself a photographer. :laughing: I even have a watermark :laughing:

I used A.I to remove people from the above photo and Lightroom to edit the photo itself. I’m struggling to see how this is less skill full than masking said person and using content aware or Healing tools. Surely they all have a bit of A.I in them.

How would one do this other wise, the non lazy way?

@McSteamy2010 none of the above was directed at you personaly by the way. I love the fact that digital cameras have got more people interested in photography, getting outdoors and enjoying themselves, I’m all for that. I love the fact that AI is helping to detect cancers months in advance of current techniques. I love the fact that it is helping develop new drugs, especially antibiotics, to get through things that have become resistant. I may need some one day.
But are you triyng to say that using AI to remove people in a photo is as difficult as learning the skills to use masks, and using content aware and or healing tools? To use those tools takes a little investment in time does it not? Using AI to do it for you is quicker and easier is it not? Genuine question by the way, I’ve not tried using it. Maybe I miss my darkroom days too much and the chemicals have rotted my brain? I still miss the smell, and I still miss watching my print magically appear before my eyes in a bath of liquid while I myself is bathed in a lovely red glow. Maybe I’m just getting old and turning into the wanker that everyone said I always was? :rofl:

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I’m wayyyyy too young for all that proper exposure stuff :laughing: I didn’t take it personally don’t worry.

I wouldn’t know how to expose a photo if my life depended on it. :skull_and_crossbones:

I’m all for an easy life. I wouldn’t get a ladder out if I could reach, in the same way I wouldn’t spend hours masking and layering if I could one click. Time is precious.

Totally agree with you on the medical future of A.I though but as the committee said, how far is it all going to go. :exploding_head:

I think this is where I find it strange. I like learning, I like tinkering, I like working out how things work. I’ve got zero chance of finding out how AI works so I despise it? possibly? Having AI do it for me just doesn’t appeal. My kids mostly think “why make my own bed and tidy up my room when I can get mum or dad to do it for me?” But hey, diffrent strokes for diffrent folks and it’s the way things are going.

How easy was it to remove the people etc ? I used LR mobile and edited it on my phone, not sure how it looks on the big screen tho.

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Thanks for the pic Chris :+1:



Another great composition Chris. I used the Remove tool, not Generative Fill to remove the people, corrected the prospective and cropped it, then colour graded. I masked the sky and colour graded that seperately. Used denoise and reduced the grain after. Looks crap doesn’t it! :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :face_with_spiral_eyes: