GADC 4th Birthday Challenge

I was thinking the exact same thing. :exploding_head:

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My entry for this category is Nottingham Raceway Karting located adjacent to the A46 near Six Hills. I asked the owners permission to fly which they granted provided I supply them with a copy of the footage for their website. I was ‘lucky’ that a stag party had arrived for a Karting experience so there was plenty of on-track action.
Bonus claimed for vehicles on track
Another bonus for open wheeled cars
And another bonus for posting on Drone Scene : Where can I fly my drone in the UK? - Nottingham Raceway Karting - Everything Else in East Midlands

I also shot a video


Cossington Lock is on the River Soar near the village of Rothley. There is parking nearby on Syston Road. I thought I was going to be unlucky regarding a boat in the lock as one just left as I was arriving and I could see the stern on another craft just disappearing in the distance. However after around 40 mins wait a barge arrived and I got the shot. No sign of any canoeists though.
Bonus point for boat in the lock
Bonus point for adding to Drone Scene : Where can I fly my drone in the UK? - Cossington Lock - Rivers and Canals in East Midlands


At first glance we couldn’t see a lock. Then saw the sign which could have been a signpost for all we knew. A little search on Google Earth turned up this place which seems attractive and interesting enough to use a battery on and move about a bit - actually see the lock itself!

Even this would have shown a bit of the lock.

But we are satisfied that it is a boat in a lock so {grudgingly) 3 points :slight_smile:



Taking advantage of a quiet Saturday to deliver the new GADC Skor-A-Matic ™ to us. It’s part of the ongoing upgrade and we expect this to be online by October 10th. - ready for a new series of RTF competitions

And what about the Challenge scores? Click the Pic ™ to see!
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I didn’t know we had a branded truck, that’s pretty cool :slight_smile:

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We’re all set up here -3D printing, vinyl cutters, A3 colour laser printers. We even have a coffee maker.

We call him McSteamy …


Quick question re locations
Due to visit a location to get photo re one of the challenges. Recently a photograph has appeared from very close by were I had planned to take the shot, Just checking if challege entries submitted close by another entries location would be allowed. If not what sort of seperation do you require. A drone scene entry isnt required for the challenge.


The requirement for 1 km separation applies to the Drone Scene bonuses only. You may use the same TOAL point as another competitor to capture a subject already photographed. No separation needed.

Cricket Club

Bonus point for adding to Drone Scene


Narrow Gauge Railway

Bonus points:
vehicles on track
Commercial (£2 charge per journey)
Added to Drone Scene


Maybe just me, but the Item 9, Car Park, is prooving really difficult. I am flying over UK’s biggest Wallmart ASDA carpark (which is huge) and packed on Saturday. But still cannot find 4 red cars together, let alone 4 blue cars together as well. I have sat through too much footage, it’s messing with my eyes :crazy_face:

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We can’t accept this entry as a narrow gauge railway. It is a smaller gauge (ten and a quarter inches) than either narrow gauge (2 ft and above)or minimum gauge (15 inches to 2 feet).

This has been discussed and clarified in this thread.

As a quick, non-exclusive and very rough guide - if the driver sits on the engine rather than in the cab it is a miniature railway

So the bad news is that your entry is rejected, the good news being that you have the opportunity to photograph a similar subject again.

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It is possible and has been done. Some of the challenge subjects are very easy, some require more thought and planning and some are deliberately hard - else everyone would be on maximum points and you would have to split the prizes between all of you!


I’m sure. But I think I will need to change tactics, as ‘pot luck’ ain’t working - and there is only so much car park videos a man can see.

That’s a shame. To be fair, I was about to make the exact same mistake as @MA2flyer. Would it be an idea to update the item to clarify this? That way, no-one else would fall fowl of this.

@MA2flyer - gutted for ya, mate.

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However I’m consistently finding 3 of either colour when I look.

Often find myself cursing the @Challenges_Committee for the conversation they had to make it 4 rather than 3 to tie in with the 4th birthday theme… :upside_down_face:

In all seriousness, it’s nice to have these “white whale” type items. They will give me nightmares in the weeks and months after the treasure hunt finishes, but good to have the challenge!



The subjects have been chosen and worded carefully and yes, a couple of amendments have been made in the light of information offered by a competitor. But narrow gauge is an accepted term that covers a particular range of permanent way widths.

We did clarify this for another contestant and have placed the link to that post iin our reply to Barrie,

We were very impressed with his soundtrack to his commuter train

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Fair enough. Probably just me and Barrie who think (thought) “narrow gauge” simply means ‘smaller than a normal track’. Every day’s a school day! :wink:


Ditto! :rofl:

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