Hello from the Southampton area

Hi , thanks for the add , I’m brand new to drones . Is there anywhere in the Southampton area that anyone can recommend flying ? Many thanks in advance :+1:

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Hi @Jayley - welcome to GADC :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Welcome to GADC :smiley:

Check out https://dronescene.co.uk/ and use the search icon on the map to enter Southampton and then scroll out a bit to find some great suggestions.

You have the port down there. However just be aware of the FRZ around the airport and altitude restrictions in some areas.

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Thank you , I will check it out :+1:

Thank you :+1:

Welcome @Jayley - I’m a Southampton drone owner too.

The first advice I’d give is to get the Drone Assist app and/or take a look at the airmap website to see where the no fly zones are. The areas to be aware of are anything in range of Southampton Airport, the Stubbington/Lee-on-the-Solent airfield and the Navy zones around Portsmouth Harbour. Oh, and although it’s not on the map, New Forest National Park have a no drones policy, to maintain peace & quiet and be kind to wildlife/ponies.

There are still plenty of places to fly, especially as you begin to feel comfortable about flying over water. Getting nice shots of the sunset over the shore, or sailing boats and the passing ships can be good fun. We’ve also have a pretty good run of crop circles this summer, further inland in Hampshire and Wiltshire, but these have been harvested now I think. I get quite a bit of my inspiration from Instagram, where there are lots of drone shots posted, and several other South Coast folks with drones. I found out about a lot of cool spots that way, and by playing with Google Maps too of course.


Thank you for the advice :+1:

Or keep it all in one place and use our own resource, the most excellent DroneScene.

I have downloaded the app , can I fly anywhere where there are no areas marked in red etc on the map , many thanks :+1:

Its not quite as simple as that

Have a read of this for info on what all the layers and info mean

Also have a look at Good2Go

I will have a read , thanks again :+1:

@jayley-welcome and enjoy GADC :+1:

Thank you :+1:

Welcome @Jayley. I’m in Southampton too and struggle to find places to fly, especially as I’m a newbie. However, Dronescene is definitely the way to go. Good
luck and have fun.

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Thank you , I am using dronescene , so :crossed_fingers:. Have fun and stay safe :wink:

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