Help needed with flickering video

@OzoneVibe, you jogged my memory about this same issue with flickering when I first played the Mavic footage on my TV last year.
When the TV was in Dynamic Mode the footage flickered a lot but not so much in other settings, I then also discovered that my Mavic was shooting in NTSC instead of PAL; I changed the settings to PAL and the TV is happier.
I thought I’d share that little bit of info too…:slightly_smiling_face:

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PAL/NTSC only changes the available frame rates, nothing else.
Most modern TVs (and LED laptop screens and monitors) default to a 60fps refresh rate, so using 30/60 normally preferable.
But most will adapt to 25/50 fps.
Which a TV is operating on usually gets displayed at the time the playing device is connected ), as it negotiates the connecting parameters. (The frame rate can usually be set in most modern playing devices and computer screen settings if you want a specific one.)
Generally, 30 is preferable to 25 (hence NTSC preferable to PAL) since 25fps is much closer to what the human eye can detect as a flicker.

A further error that is often made is to record in 25/50 and render after editing in 30/60, or visa versa, that can introduce severe flicker as a result of having to drop frames (every 6th frame for 30 to 25) or repeat frames (every 5th frame for 25 to 30).

As a result of all that, it’s beneficial to decide which you’re going to use and make sure recording/rendering/refresh rates on screens are ALL working in harmony.

I use 30/60 whenever recording and rendering for this reason.

Some people use the higher rates at all times (50 or 60) since even converting between the two isn’t anywhere near as detectable to the human eye … but still not ideal and still damaging to the quality of your initial recording.