Hi all, still quite a novice at this, I’ve had my Phantom 3 standard for about 9 months and have really enjoyed using it. Being in the latter years of my existance my coordinations aren’t what they used to be so to get those nice smooth shots I’ve been using Drone Harmony, it’s a great app. The only problem I’ve had with the phantom is it’s portability, so I’ve now got a Mavic air which I can put in my rucksack when walking the fells. Not much chance at the moment with this weather.
Hi Gary
Welcome to the mad house
If your unsure on anything just ask plenty of people on here with the air
Nice little kit and as you say more portable than the phantom
Haven’t used drone Harmony but others on have and can help you out
Drone Harmony is an android only app to create automated missions, check out their web site or Google play store. I’ve been using it since beta but now have the basic version, lots of different missions created for you once you have input some information.
Funny you should ask that as I have just got litchi while it was on offer. Yet to try, but I suppose they both have pros and cons. The main reason for litchi is the PC based mission planning but Drone harmony are working on that.