How many drone pilots care about regs?

mini2 50m rule ??? (sub 250g) flyerID definitely plus insurance as in effect commercial

John 8:7

There’s no 50m rule with a Mini 2?


I for one can’t see why all drones be linked to an app like say DJI for example were these drones need to be activated by entering your operator ID before you could get the motors to run. Now when you decide to sell your drone you would then have to deactivate and the buyer would then have to go through the same process.
Just a thought
Regards Dave


You will be saying next
Why don’t they incorporate this into cars/vans etc.
Enter your “ID” so the car will start.

Where does this stop…?

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Imagine that, government forcing us to carry smart phones, what next you can’t get into a pub without one

Oh wait a minute


I thought this was all about protecting those that fly legally, if you don’t want any input in your words where does this stop…… the topic may well end now because every fucking idea put forward is shot down

[quote=“speatuk, post:3, topic:36013, full:true”]


Well id say more do than those who follow the rules. I have a few friends with drones and they act as though the CAA and their regs are a conspiracy and they will never have their collar felt :man_shrugging:

On the flip side I have friends who are PFCO or GVC holders and make a living from flying drones or at least it constatus to their day to day work.

However I’d certainly say its more like a 70/30% divide of my personal friends, the latter being those who follow the rules.

I personally sit in a grey region in the middle :roll_eyes: I follow the important rules and would not purposely endanger any person, animal or property but possibly bend other rules to suit.

For instance I choose to fly on Crosby beach even though it is a SSSI however if people have knowledge of the area the SSSI is for the sandune range and not nesting ground birds or any other animal which would be disturbed by my flying.

My tupence worth anyway :smiling_face: have a nice day.


A little aggressive to be fair, you don’t have to agree and a diffence of opinion is healthy if you can agree neither are wrong when it comes to opinion.

Plus those who choose to fly outside of the law do so at their own risk, we are not on here [GADC] to pass judgment. Let them crack on.

Que Sera Sera.


I actually slightly disagree with the last statement, if we as responsible drone users don’t call out bad flying/practice then we enable people to continue doing so.

Every group I am on that is related to drones has a “no drone police” rule and while I get someone nitpicking is unwanted behaviour those rules also prevent people challenging those that go above 400ft, fly in restricted airspace without permission, who over fly crowds and those that treat the rules as if they are optional.

Till we as a community we are empowered to challenge bad behaviour it will never improve and we will just be lumped in with those people.

Other hobbies/areas manage it, hiking in regards to the countryside code/litter etc, boaters/kayakers/paddleboarders and the use of waterways, rock climbers etc…


Of course it does as it directly affect the rights/permissions of those who are obeying the regs. We’ve seen this over and over again in other activities that are now regulated to death.


I only mentioned that in the original post because he was talking about getting an Air 2.

I agree with that, although I was too much of a wimp to do anything, as it was a family member.

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If you don’t like the answers to things you post, then don’t post…!


Haha I am too much of a blunt instrument to have not said any thing :rofl:

There are drone that don’t need operator ID and flyer ID that will be included in the figures. All toy drones and all drones without camera.

People buy a drone then find out about the rules as well.

I agree

Remove the reliance on the app I say, too many people depend on it and spend all the time watching the screen and not the drone (and that’s what causes people to crash)


And break the rule of going well beyond your VLOS