I'm on the CAA Naughty List

Well not me specifically but the model flying club I’m a member of.

Apparently a helicopter pilot, while overflying our strip, reported to the ATC that he observed a model aircraft flying above 400ft. Our Club Secretary, who happened to be at the field during the alleged incident, received a call from the ATC while at the field to discuss the incident. Our Secretary stated that he had not observed any member flying above the 400ft ceiling (even though we have a LoA from the CAA that allows us to fly up to 1,000ft) and neither did anyone observe a helicopter within the vicinity at the alleged time. It’s a very rare occurrence to have any full size aircraft fly overhead as they mainly transverse about a mile to the East of us, and none of our members fly more than a few hundred yards distance from the runway.

A few days later our Chairman received a call from the Air Traffic Services Manager whom stated they had no record of a LoA any any further reports of exceeding the 400ft ceiling we will be permanently shut down.

I’ve yet to see the AIRPROX report or any official statement to support the helicopter pilot’s claim but I have my own theory, and that is what he actually witnessed was a Red Kite or Buzzard in a thermal. We get a lot of these birds flying above our runway, I think they are attracted by our planes, and when they are in a thermal even we have mistaken them for a member’s aircraft as they can circle for minutes on end without flapping their wings.

I’m pushing for the committee of our Club to insist on seeing a formal report of the incident as we should be allowed to defend ourselves and not be hung out to dry just on the word of some passer-by.


“…stated they had no record of a LoA …”
Surely the club has a written copy to produce?


I understand it’s on display in the Club Hut, though I haven’t been in the hut for over a year as it’s been classed as out of bounds due to Covid.

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Guilty until proven innocent :pensive:


That’s sounding not good especially as they seem to be finding your club guilty as charged from the off , you would think and expect you would be given the right to dispute this especially given that club officials where on site .
I have the opposite here with the helicopters that fly out from Norwich airport to service the rigs in the North Sea they regularly fly over here under 400ft , if I hear a helicopter I have to get down until I can see the dam thing .


That’s something to wave at the CAA then. Looks like the ATS manager could not be bothered to check the LoA validity or whether one existed or the particuar club…I’ve met a few similar in my ATC time…useless and moved somewhere where they can do no harm! :rofl:


Like all these organisations, promoted way above their talent.


I’ve been in contact with a committee member and it appears the allegation has been withdrawn and we appear to be in good standing with the ATS manager. As at this moment I don’t know what has changed but the chairman will probably update the membership in due course.


If you go to FlightRadar.com and enter the reporting helicopter reg they have historical flight data which will show course, heights, speeds and times for the helicopter’s flight which you can replay then you will be able to tie down times when the helicopter was allegedly over your club site.

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@Steviegeek :laughing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: