Inspire 2 parts search

I managed to crash my Inspire 2 - and an awful feeling clings since then with a damaged self-confidence: Flying in to land in an arc and misjudged the distance to some branches about 10’ high - tangle, hope, correction, tangle, slight fall, stick input, hope, more tangle, emergency motor cut, fall, oh no - some of you will know the feeling. It’s fixable but needs a new POV cam and 2 main spars. Does anyone know where I can buy the parts???

Your best bet, other than eBay, is probably Replace Base.

Don’t forget to check #members-only for the discount code. :+1:

I’m not sure if Drone Doctor sell spares, but they do repairs if you get stuck.

Same applies re discount code.

Thank you very much. Drone Doc it is!