Insurance again

No, doesn’t cover operator error, malfunction of any kind, basicly nothing in use.

I used them before but had over £8k :flushed: worth rc equipment, tools etc covered.

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Wow. So basically we’re completely exposed in the event that a £1,000 drone flies away or otherwise gets lost.

If that happens, open your wallet to the tune of another grand!? Or eBay your controller and spare batteries and take up knitting.

This doesn’t please me :-/

Yep - its always been that way in the UK RC scene.

I’m surprised they get cover for it in the USA of all places.

I guess if you’re a business you’ll get cover in some way but not as a individual in it for a hobby.

I’m yet to find anything to the contrary :cry:

Anyone ever used

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Not heard on them.

Reading what it covers, seems to be more orientated towards commercial cover?

I’ve never killed or damaged anyone, but I’ve used the BMFA for 30 years just in case.

I’ve had a few near misses with gliders though.