As per the title, I can’t recall if the CAA made this compulsory or not.
If you’re only flying sub 250gr drones do you have to have a sticker with your op id printed on it?
As per the title, I can’t recall if the CAA made this compulsory or not.
If you’re only flying sub 250gr drones do you have to have a sticker with your op id printed on it?
From what I can recall, unless it’s changed,
Yes if it has a camera,
No if it does Not have a camera.
Thanks to both replies is this about to change after 2026?
Extract from the CAA consultation document,ment …
… final decision still to be made - if you believe the CAA
going to be a lot of children going to have to do the course if that one comes in… another well thought out policy based on ?
Their big mistake in introducing the 250g ruling in the first place
we are but meer pawns in front of the all knowing and always correct state quangos of the CAA and OFCOM etc…
keep flying and just enjoy your hobby for as long as it lasts and then look at kite flying or rubber band aeroplanes… sure they will come under the definition of a uav at some point too
And then say FO to the CAA and have a mass protest meet with 1000s of drones in the air over their headquarters. Just like the pioneers that trespassed Kinder Scout in the in 1932 Kinder Mass Trespass and harsh punishment of leader Benny Rothman and his associates who unleashes a huge wave of public sympathy and fueled the right to roam cause and helped towards the birth of our National Parks.
All we need is a sacrificial leader with Northern grit and determination, quick wits and the an assertive nature to carry it off! How you fixed @milkmanchris
I personally think new flyers should be made to take the short test to get the OP ID. That way they’ll at least have some understanding of the rules. As it is someone can buy a mini drone, pay their £10.33p, attach a sticker to it and fly, knowing nothing of height/ distance restrictions as they don’t need the flier ID ( just my personal thoughts on the subject )
Have to say that I agree with that Jocky. There should also be some literature inside the box telling the unaware purchaser what the crack is, even if it’s just a QR code to the CAA website
what about kids who get a Christmas present that flies… should they do the test?
I’m really not getting the risk here of small drones?
do you know where the 250g number came from?
I am up for it, but remember if you choose to be a nail, don’t be surprised if you get hammered
best to be like wind or water (just go with the flow and do your own thing quietly, harder target to hit if someone is gunning for you or your way of life)
water and wind are still the most powerful things on earth.
I reckon someone at the CAA dropped differing weights on a persons head from a height of 5m starting off with 50gm and going up in 50gm increments. When it got to 250gms the “victim”, had had enough and sodded off to the pub. There ya go. ( probably some truth in there)
More likely we followed the FAA .
I’m sure 250g was plucked out of air as a weight that couldn’t have all the gubbins to produce what we have now.
Autel pissed on that bonfire and DJI followed suit
Ahh pity it wasn’t 500 Karen’s. That’d be a whole lot more drones in the A1 class
Cheers for that Sparky.
One thing I noticed in the article ( which I find a bit strange)
Quote “ In total, 8 tests were performed – one with the 250 g quadcopter; two with the larger toy quadcopter; two with the Phantom 2 vision+; one with the flying wing and two with the pusher fixed-wing.”
I’d have thought they’d have done more than just 8 tests before coming to a conclusion ?
One of the earliest regulatory mentions of 250g was made by an FAA task force looking into drone registration back in 2015.
One thing I noticed in the article ( which I find a bit strange)
Quote “ In total, 8 tests were performed – one with the 250 g quadcopter; two with the larger toy quadcopter;
That was just one article to demonstrate the question why 250g (quick search)