It's that time of year again! Crop Circles 👍

Looks like they may be repairing fences to stop people trampling around the field.
So … they are preserving the artwork for me! :+1:


That’s a pretty big area. Litchi obviously an option but you could get within 1-2km (clear line of sight obv. :wink:) and still maintain a connection? Pretty hard to track down the location of the pilot… As was proven by Aldo Kane :crazy_face:

Today’s Crop Circle pics.

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I managed a workaround that was easier, and avoided using Litchi (for other reasons).

The public road is about 600m from the crop circle, so I launched from the road and walked back to Farley Mount as I flew it.
Took the pics and walked back. :+1:

Nice thinking batman :+1:

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Hampshire seems to be doing well, this year! :+1:

New one - just beside the A31 near New Alresford.

Lat 51.069171 Lon -1.204365

They’re all miles away from me… 3 hr round trip out of traffic… At this rate, I might make my own :rofl::rofl::+1:

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New Crop Circle klaxon! :wink:

Still daaaan saaaarf, I’m afraid …. near Westubry, Wiltshire, and just 850m NE of Westbury White Horse.

Lat 51.268667 Lon -2.140370


News of another has come my way …

Whaddon, Wilts - 6 miles SE of Salisbury

Lat 51.030218 Lon -1.709237

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Shit Dave!, find one in bloody Norfolk, we must have wheat/corn running out of our arses round here !!

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I’m not finding them. I’m only being told.

I’ll just not say when I’m told. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Even when they are way up north. :+1:

Well I reckon I will have to just find a field, and some big boots, and go play !

You need to lure the aliens your way.

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Aliens?, all we got round here are Muck Spreadin Furmers :poop:, Dwile Flonkers,
and the ferkin’ “Singing Postman” and he died penniless ,poor bugger !

All the aliens live down your direction and the West Country, I’ve seen a certain YT channel :wink::zipper_mouth_face:

Not heard of any in the West Country this year, yet.
Several in France, though.

Did you see the video from a certain person that was commissioned to do one for Chinese tv?
He was supposed to have done it with another crop circle maker but was blown out so he exposed them on YT :laughing:

Too many shandy sipping southerners with time on their hands me thinks in between Morris dancing.

Is there any North of Watford Gap ?