Last night's secret mission

Oh well, I took off at 8.00pm. Total darkness, having checked the site out before it got dark for any obstacles. Flew over, then down to check location with the landing lights on, then up to a decent height.
Plan was to film the underwater lights of a fish farm. These poor fish are not allowed normal circadian rythms. They have no darkness, to maximise growth rate. They also have a thumping diesel generator all night.
Video got absolutely nothing, apart from a tiny reflection on the water. In the end I resorted to 5 second exposure stills, which I was quite pleased with.


Keep up the good work Andrew :clap:

After your exposure of the disgusting practices carried out by these so call fish farmed (fish torturers), I will only purchase salmon (or trout) that is clearly marked as line caught, wild salmon/trout.


Thank you Dave. Wild Salmon is definitely to go for, although the farms are devastating the wild stocks, by transmitting disease and lice. Please spread the word.

It’s really good to be turning the drone hobby to something useful, although there were a few heart stopping moments last night. I decided to go down to get a closer look and Maggie, standing next to me, screamed out because she thought it was plummeting! Note to self, always tell the spotter what you’re about to do! :rofl:

Not that you could even spot your hand in front of your face! The moon was behind a hill.


Thank you for exposing this I will certainly be reviewing my eating habits. Out of interest, how do they farmed fish spread disease, I didn’t understand that bit.

After seeing some of your (I believe) earlier vids of the salmon hurling themselves at the netting to escape, and clearly injuring themselves, I have also refused to buy farmed salmon anymore, more people need to be aware of how they are treated. Good work.

Thank you Ron. It’s an uphill struggle sometimes but it makes it worthwhile when people appreciate what we are trying to do. Cheers.

Thank you Alec. Like any intensive farming, chickens, pigs, etc. there is an increase in pathogens and diseases. The difference with fish farms is that they are in net cages which are in open waters and therefore wild fish swim all around, in the same water and there is transmission between them. The wild fish then spread the disease far and wide. It is particularly problematic with sea lice, which are multiplying in vast quantities now and are devastating the wild fish stocks.
One of the tragedies is that you can’t even believe such things as “sustainable” or “welfare assured”.
The RSPCA have been paid half a million pounds by the fish farming industry for their “RSPCA Assured” credentials. The company in the video, Kames, are an RSPCA Assured company and yet, as you see, welfare is not at the top of their list.
Thanks again.

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Didn’t even know this practice existed, pretty gross really. Thanks for the vid.

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Thanks Dave. This industry is well covered up, until you start to delve deeper you don’t realise how filthy it is.