Litchi flight records only contains 'connected' data?

Hi Paul,

Yes, exactly so.

The picture went blocky and froze a couple of times, then a few moments later all connectivity was lost.

Too far @Storyline :rofl:

I live on the back of a large housing estate, imagine a disused railway line with a housing estate on either side of it. Well the old railway line provides a great ‘corridor’ for flying up and down for testing settings etc but the local WiFi interference is crazy round this way.

It’s not often I fly from my back garden but if I fly to the right up the old railway the interference is that strong that I can lose both video and rc while still in line of sight, it’s absolutely mental!

Flying to the left is better, as the estate is only on one side if I go left, but still she loads of interference…

Hence me doing the Titan Atlas mod, to try and cut through it all.

But that only works if I actually use it on a flight eh :blush: