Maintaining same altitude over sloping ground

@Ben.B “I’ve decided for definite that I’m going to upgrade to the Mini 3.”

You cant at the moment use 3rd Party apps like Litchi with new RC but can use the mini 3 with the RC N-1 controller.

And if recent history dictates then it’s going to be a crippled down Litchi too :frowning:

Just my quids worth, using litchi may be some type of solution and ‘may’ do what yer want to achieve. But it might just over complicate the senario🤔. Plus, there’s a bit of planning to be done with it, which is good, but if your out one day, spot a shot what yer fancy taking. You’ll have to use Litchi…
As it’s been said above, practice, practice, practice👍. And if you do get a mini 3, as said, you’ll have to turn the ob. avoidance off to go sooo low, otherwise it’ll feel like your flying in treacle once your real low,because of the sensors…
Take your time, once you’ve learned… jobs a good’n​:+1::grin:

And crop the video too

Good to know. I was going to get the RC N-1 anyway, as I have a tablet I like to use for a bigger screen

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