Mavic mini prop guards - Wanted

Bit of a reach out but does anyone have a set of the above as Iv just sold my mini on Flea bay. The guy has asked me for some which I thought I did have in the loft but turns out the other half cleared them out when she did her spring cleaning thing :person_facepalming:

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Eyup, you’re in luck! I just sold my Mini and the guy didn’t want the guards so I have a spare set just laying around now and no use for them. If you are willing to cover the postage you can have them for free. I’m in West Yorks if you are nearby.


Beat me to it - I have spare as well.


Back at you Nick @BigDog couple of options to go at ;o)

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Thank you guys Ill be in touch, see if he bust my balls over it wouldnt mind but didnt sell for that much :man_shrugging:

Need funds* for the CAA law case against you for the incident with the crane, damaging work equipment? :smiley: :smiley:

I actually have some spare guards to, anyone actually use em?

And the easiest option yet, I should have a set in the loft, with the remains of my original Mini that I “lost”.


I use them when flying inside factories, or at least I did until they got crushed in the back of my van. They’ve saved me from crashing quite a few times, and if I had used them the first time I flew in a factory I wouldn’t have smashed my mini2 to pieces :sweat_smile:

Hi Jez if there still up for grabs as he’s just got back to me,like he’ll ever use them.:roll_eyes:

Happily sort you a couple of beers for helping me out :+1:t3: just let me know were to collect from :blush:

Dick heads even asking for a charging plug now can’t even remember if I got 1 with it :man_shrugging:t3: but I’m sure I can muster 1 up I have 100 laying around

Hi @BigDog if you sold it as mini with fly more kit the plug was included, but, if you sold it as mini and accessories tell the buyer to use his phone charger plug, some buyers on Ebay can be pretty demanding for their thoughts on what they purchase, I’ve had a few buyers that didn’t read the description properly and have been quite vocal about it, i just refer those ones back to the listing.

Dammit, now I actually have to go up in the loft and look. :laughing: Hang on a minute…

…yep, got 'em.

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Thanks to everyone for your support I’ve sacked the guy off as he was pissing me off. Now complaining all the ND filter ain’t there muppet you only get 5 :man_facepalming:t2:…

But thanks to Jez for the offer and sorry for messing you about :+1:t3:

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So, did anyone have a spare set for a Mini 2 by chance??

I’m guessing the Mini and Mini 2 ones are interchangeable as the drones are physically identical (as far as I know). There’s at least four of us on this thread that have said we have spares. :slight_smile:

My mini 1 ones, do fit the mini2, don’t think they quote the same but do work :wink: