Media storage help

Just do standard 123 backup if you’re worried about a single device failing. All my stuff goes straight onto either raid 6 or raidz2. V happy with the statistical likelihood of losing anything.

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Why not get e.g. a couple of 5TB drives and back up to each? That is what I do for everything.

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Agree as long as you always do it simultaneously.

2 x 5tb around £200

2 x 100GB around £30

5TB is definitely fantastic storage for your money at roughly £3.33 per 100GB, but for some it does not financially sting them as much buying a couple of 100GB’s.

It’s a matter of making sure you backup atleast twice

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It’s completely pointless buying 100 GB anything (other than micro-SD) in 2021.

I’ve got 2 x 4TB that mirror each other (and a spare 4tb in case I lose 1 of the live ones ) drives at home that backup all my media. I also use Google photos and Icloud Photos for stuff I dont want to lose ( My DVD and Blu-Ray collection are ripped to the 4TB drives so only a house fire would rob me of those and then thats not going to be an issue in the scheme of things!

I saw some people mention Synology NAS. This what I have and it’s more than RAID storage, don’t know whether this has been pointed out ('cos I haven’t read the whole thread), it also has an OS and can run applications for such as remote access; media streaming etc. - it works with a Firestick so it is useful for watching footage on a TV.

Synology is ridiculously overpriced. Nice software but then you might as well just run Xpenology if you need a fancy GUI. There’s a reason FreeNAS and unRAID are so popular.

And people complain about us FPV guys with all our jargon :laughing::grinning:
I’m ok with GUI but help on the rest :joy::joy:

@notveryprettyboy @DeanoG60