Mini 2 crushed by car (absolutely obliterated!)

You could put one of these on your head. If it flies back into your face, you got it covered and the noise from the props won’t damage your hearing. Health and Safety first and make sure you do a risk assessment before flying. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ouch, that’s a shame. You might need to remove the battery before sending it in anyway as posting a defective lipo isn’t safe. Seeing as it’s as mashed up as it is, you could probably get away with cutting it out of the body somehow as DJI will have to replace the shell anyway.

Hope it gets sorted quickly for you, each time I’ve had to use DJI to repair stuff they’ve been quick and reasonably priced.

Can’t remember the last time I never :+1:

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Shame about the mini 2, get a replacement and put it ebay as new, then get a mini 3 pro👍

Job done​:+1::grin:.

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Judas! :scream:

As you’re a club member @Jenal763 you can list it free of charge in our For Sale & Wanted category :blush:

I’d follow Ady @Leylo1971 's advice also keep the new one sealed, far better chance of selling it as-new if it’s still shrink wrapped.

That’s tempting.

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Apologies mate, that’s what I was meaning in a flippant way. Keep it sealed, sell as new👍.

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Every landing I perform is retrieved by hand… :+1:

They’ll likely send the old RC back so it’d be a used/new cocktail.

Could you do another photo please with arrows to any damage as it looks ok to me.

I’m learning to live!

Is that a double negative?

The most important question is: Had you started recording yet, and was it facing the oncoming vehicle? If so, we need to see the video. :grin:

It was automatically on but I switched it off a second earlier.

So here are the remarks from DJI Care Refresh. Nothing I didn’t already know to be fair.

And DJI Care Refresh offered me two prices £43 or £286 for the same service. Tough decision that. (in short I’ve paid the £43 and it’s on it’s way back)