New ELRS receiver range from Radiomaster

New ‘dual band’ receiver range for even more range

For a moment I thought they also added dual band to the ceramic antenna one :thinking: - for those times where you need to send your tinywhoop to the top of the mountain and back but no… this one is still ‘only’ 2.4GHz… pfffff :smiley:

Saw Andrew Newtons review on these new RX’s
Interesting but I’m still heavily into CRSF, my ELRS craft are just park flyers :man_shrugging:

I am still eyeing the new GX12 radio to try a dual band on a 10" I hope to start during the break :crossed_fingers: – I was about to order the db4 – not sure what is different with the new ones (db4 is only a couple of months old :smiley: )