New to this need help, any flyers in Sheffield who could poss meet up

Hi there! any flyers in Sheffield who could poss meet up and give me some advice on flying , had my mp4 for 2 weeks now and I’m out of my comfort zone and scared to take it above 30-40 feet or try any of the amazing thing this thing can do cheers

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We move your post to the Meetups thread

and also edited the title

Do you have a place, date and time :thinking:

tagging @group-eastmidlands :wink:

If you’re happy to travel and meet me halfway, lets say Chesterfield, I’ll meet you, share experience and assist.

Obviously, we need to pick a day with suitable weather and ideal location.

Let me know


That sounds like a plan @TheBinman . I’m in Derby and could easily drive to Chesterfield or catch the train up . :wink:

i could get to chesterfield no problem

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This weekends weather doesn’t look too good, for drone flying.

Let’s see what the forecast is for the following weekend