New toy

New toy for crimbo


Was in the right place at the right time and snagged real bargain from memphisdel. Many thanks my freind

Ooooh. Who’s been a good boy for Santa this year?

Do they make Christmas disappear? :wink:

They are brilliant, make sure you are sitting down when using them for the first couple of times or you’ll be flat on your face :grinning:
I don’t use mine as much as I’d like as I’m mostly on my own or no spotter.

No they don’t make crimbo disappear but was a bargain I didn’t want to pass up the chance on for what I paid

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Nice one Jon :smiley:

What’s @MemphisDel going to wear on nights out now though?!

I’ve only been able to use mine once so far, had them a bloody month :confused:

He ended up with 2 sets by accident and only paid for 1. I was taking the mickey when I said to him he could give me the spare set for crimbo, then he suggested I could buy 1 set of him really cheap, all most bit his hand off. Lol😁

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