Phoenix Model Flying Club World Record Attempt

Phoenix Model Flying Club, London Colney, BMFA #175


What was the attempt? :thinking:

Did you beat it? :person_shrugging:t2:

More information please??

What is the world record?

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The photo suggests they were going for the highest number of people holding a fixed wing plane in the air at the same time :blush:

Hopefully Vince can set the record straight for us :slight_smile:

It was a record attempt to jump all those vehicles with a scooter.

He can just be seen on the roof at the left.

Maybe this one …


we participated at our club also

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Did you beat a record @vincenzonardone ?


Hi Rich
All the club secretaries from the participating clubs send the numbers in to BMFA headquarters for counting etc…
Nothing in the BMFA runs quickly so it will be sometime before the result is known.
From our side, unfortunately we had a few less this year than last.

Thanks Steve :smiley:

Results need to be collated from around the UK

All the clubs taking part are asked to get the verification details in within 7 days so the results will be collated early next week, along with a few nudges for the inevitable late submissions.