Popped to mates farm 1st outing for while

Had to get out so I popped over to my mates farm for a bit of fresh air. This is the first pano I have done. Don’t normally do quick shots, but I’ve been watching and reading and thought :thinking: I’ll have a go at one of those.


Nice work

Chris - do you put the unstitched shots into Kuula and let it do the sticking or what ?
Im keen to have a go with Kuula but, due to too much wine, I’m confused.
Any guidance gratefully received.

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Very impressive pano - I like much :+1:

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I just did a pano on the M2Z and when I got back I uploaded it to Kuula. I didn’t edit it or do anything. Just uploaded it and posted the url here

Hope that helps

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Thanks for that - I really must find a dummy guide for Kuula. :+1:


Create an account, it’s free.
Then left hand side at the top press the 3 lines then go to upload and select 360 single file I think it’s called. Thanks it. You can mess about with it editing etc but I couldn’t be arsed. I checked it out and thought hmmmmm
“that’ll do donkey!”

That was that.

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With your MPP you need to get it to take the panorama for you (either GO or Litchi) then stitch the images (usually 23 form those apps), lots of stitching apps available, then as @speatuk says above upload the stitched image to Kuula for sharing.

If you have a Mavic 2 of any flavour the stitching is done for you onboard ;o) so just upload that