RIP Mini 2 - Corfu claims another drone!

So Droney McDroneface is now Fishy McFishface :smiling_face_with_tear:. Got a bit blinded by the sun and flew it into the sea off Corfu a couple of days ago

A valiant effort involving an inflatable dingy and a snorkel was made to its last recorded location, but the seaweed was just too thick there. Local dive school has been emailed with a reward for the recovery of the SD card, but hopes are slim…

Off to see what my DJI Care can do for me, but I can’t connect my phone to my laptop to get the flight logs, as the phone got a bit wet during the attempted recovery…

Anyone else been in this predicament? Any advice appreciated before I admit to DJI that I am a fool! TIA

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Awwww mate
Don’t have a stroke over it, it’s only a drone :see_no_evil:

Seriously though phone into rice for a while pal for thr logs.

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Gutted for your loss :man_bowing:

I am pretty sure DJI would class this as ‘fly away’, if so, the excess would be £172 (as that is what I had to pay). In this case, you just need to connect you phone (when it’s dried out) to your RC, goto to Device Management under Profile and confirm it as ‘Fly Away’. Then you can raise a claim. I got my replacement in a few days.

Would not of happened if you had been flying at Skegness …No Seaweed. :rofl:

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Worst thing is I know almost exactly where it is :rofl:

Over the sea…think its known out there as tempting the Gods… :rofl:.

Apparently that rice thing is rubbish, your meant to take out battery if possible, turn off then just leave it alone for a good few days.

But if it was salt water, I don’t know if that complicates it?

Anyway, sad news :frowning: I’ve started wearing sunglasses for almost all flights after a few squinting sessions and thinking “this can’t be good for my eyes”

How do you do that with an iPhone?

I have a 12 pro max which is supposed to be waterproof
Not going to try it though.

How wet did your phone get?
I had an android phone years ago and I dropped it in a hot tub.
I put that in a bag of rice and just forgot about it. When I remembered (I went and bought a new phone as I figured it would be knackered) I charged it and turned it on and it worked. So to answer your question, it worked for me :thinking:

Well, that doesn’t show which bit worked … I’ve heard the comment that the only thing you can say about the rice is that it tends to be good at making sure people don’t touch their phones for a bit :slight_smile:

And yeah you’re right, modern devices where you can’t take the battery out aren’t great here.

But look up advice on salt water, not sure if you are meant to rinse them in fresh water first? Don’t take my word on that without checking!


The yellow tinted sunglasses (or tinted prescription types) tend to show an object against the sky much better.
Most aviation glasses are yellow tinted (forget the Hollywood dark shades!!)
I have a pair of old Air Ministry sunglasses with the famous Crooke lens since 1951…superb…can’t see a thing with them tho’ nowadays as I need distance prescription, so need top get a spare pair of the latter tinted.
Cost is around £20 :sunglasses: