Smart controller. Mavic Mini pro 3 - Aircraft impact code 800348


Been recently having trouble flying my Mavic Mini pro 3 with the smart controller: having issues while flying most with POI mode . Keep getting this error message
‘ Aircraft impact code 800348 ?? This while flying 80m high 500m odd away . Also losing transmission and signal… sometimes go into safe RTH mode .

now change to my RC1 controller from my Mavic Air 2s so far no issues. Had wind speed 8.4 m/s gust 10.6

Enclose photo from Airdata


@Tooting37 can you share the link from the airdata page it makes it a little easier to try and diagnose

And when you say ‘smart controller’ do you mean the standard with screen (or the proper smart controller)



It from the new smart controller when purchase the drone. Looking at the data … looks like compass issues

But how to download Airdata on here ?


This post explains how to share data

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