Spurn Point

Took a drive to Spurn Point yesterday. Walked nearly 4 miles across the sand and some concrete paths/roads into the wind to get to the light house and jetty.
Took quite a few photos. When I got to the lighthouse I did not feel all that good. So I went inside and sat on a bench. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by the RNLI. I had passed out. Before I knew it I was on a coastguard helicopter heading to Hull Royal.
Had an overnight stay in Hull for observation. It was just due to my condition. All good now they have stabilised me

Anyway here a few photos from yesterday. I didn’t get the helicopter and I never looked out of the window as I was strapped to a bed and mostly in and out consciousness.

Hope you enjoy the photos. :+1:t2:


Glad all is ‘good’.

Next time we go with you


Shit man…. :scream:

The things you guys do just to get a photo!!

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Its all about the likes :+1:

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Absolutely pal.
Need to get the drone up. I never got around to it.
When I was in the hospital I thought omg :scream: where is my stuff.
Air2s, M3 and my lumix.

They were all in a bag in the back of a bed.

Fantastic set of guy.


Whoah, Steve, that was some scare you had :fearful:. Glad you are OK :+1:


100% mate - not only can we make sure he doesn’t get in a pickle - it looks cracking


Glad to hear youre doing beter now Steve :+1:t2: Great set of shots mate and youre spot on about the RNLI guys :star_struck:


There is a 4WD truck you can board. It’s a tour but I’m sure for a “donation” they would allow us to hop abourd there and back.


Just need to keep a eye for the rangers , they anti drone.


Good to hear you are ok and fit to fly again, drone wise that is.

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And or either mate. It’s a place I last visited 25 years ago so defo wanna go back

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Shit Steve! Glad you hear you made it out mate and in a heli too :+1: Respect to the RNLI :blue_heart:


I honestly don’t know. There was hardly anyone about

Thanks Steve. The RNLI are incredible :facepunch:t2:

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Dude who caught us was like Mr Benn

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I never had any blood given to me.
They took away some with a venesection and then gave me an iron infusion as I was anaemic.

But thank you for the donation. :blush:

Due to my leukaemia I can’t give blood anymore.

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He drives the 4WD thing I think. He does the tours.
There was only really 2 other guys there full time apart from the RNLI.
They were in the lighthouse. The old guy who sits in the lighthouse and the younger of the two, he was the one who called for help. He looks like he could be the one you mean.

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I’ll cancel that invoice then :slight_smile: