Hello, Thank you for having me, I blabber on at times, however I was just wandering as I am seeing a lot of people with drones setting up Youtube channels, I was wandering how to possible do the same once I buy my drone. I was also wandering if having a Youtube channel would class me as having a drone for ‘‘commercial use’’ even though I am just doing because I like doing it
having a youtube channel wont be a commerical gain as you wont be taaking money or earning from youtube etc, so just set one up edit your videos and post away and dont get diheartend by not many views as they will come in time so just start a channel now and if you need help there are youtube videos on how to make onew etc
Thanks for your reply, I have yet to by my drone but I will look into starting a Youtube channel. To be honest I wouldn’t be doing it for the views but it wouldn’t really bother me if the views were low. I am doing it for fun and to show people the skills that I have. It will also keep me busy when I am off work. Many Thanks for your help
Hi David - have a look on YouTube - there are loads of videos there on “How to start your YT drone channel” - some giving some very good advice but don’t forget - there are a lot of members on this forum that have loads of experience with a YT channel - so don’t be worried about asking - the members here are always ready to help
@DavidWood I started a YouTube channel 15 yrs ago or so and uploaded one video! It is still there with only the one entry!
I started a new channel 3 yrs ago for uploading drone footage. They were rubbish! But I was proud of them despite that. 3yrs later I’ve well over a hundred videos uploaded, and they’re still rubbish, but some people seem to like 'em.
Film you’re adventures and upload your edits, it’s a great way to unwind, learn new skills, or hone those you already possess, and don’t forget to post them here on GADC.
@D0c.Col Most definitely, I am wanting to fly over Barnby Dun Lift Bridge in Doncaster. I haven’t got my drone yet but I am feeling more and more encouraged to get out there and start filming thanks to the members of the GADC
I have been editing the dashboard and stuff on my Youtube channel my channel is called Skyline Photography and my Youtube handle is Skylinephotography36. I need to get used to playing with my drone once I get it and then hopefully I can get to adding stuff to my youtube channel
My Youtube channel is actually Skyline Photography24
If you like @DavidWood heres a place you can share your YouTube channel & subscribe to others & ask if they’ll kindly reciprocate