Steam train photo opportunity

The steam train Tornado will be travelling from Doncaster to Edinburgh tomorrow on the east coast main line if anyone is interested. The weather looks a bit shit but I’m sure a few people won’t be bothered about flying in the strong winds forecast.

Here is the timetable for heading north.

And one for times back south.


RealTimeTrains is so geeky! :wink:
But brilliant! :+1:


Yep that me Geeky Grahame :vulcan_salute::joy::joy::joy:


Thanks for this info, the morning trip might just miss the weather. Now just have to find a good spot to fly from. Colton North junction is a good spot, plenty of open space

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Really windy flying conditions but I thought I would give it ago. Best I could get and I really need more practice with my video skills.


Brilliant, thanks for this. I was going to give it a go myself but my bed was calling me when I got in from night shift at 6am. I was supposed to finish at 1am!!!

Wish I had seen this post earlier,

Could catch it as it passes later but windy and wet at the moment,

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Bummer! It’s back up next month sometime, when I get the heads up I will let you know

This can be a good long-term guide to steam trains … some can be subject to re-scheduling.

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Oh - and whilst that’s a schedule of the “tours” … obviously the trains need to get from their homes to the start and back again afterwards … and that’s when RealTimeTrains can be useful. :wink:

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