Earlier this morning I posted to the ImmersionRC Hub on Facebook about the lack of Ghost receivers in the UK, and now that Dave Brown who was the UK agent for all things IRC and Fatshark was forced to shut because of BREXIT, that domestic support is no longer available. Well Tony Cake, CEO of ImmersionRC, took the time to reply and his comments are quite worrying for the hobby in general.
Having had some experience of the certification process prior to BREXIT, which was a nightmare back then, I can understand his reasons for not going the UKCA certification route. And no doubt other similar manufacturers, such as HD0, BetaFPV, or any product brand that’ll require UKCA certification to be sold on the domestic market, will probably also stop exporting to the UK.
I envisage the majority of the independent dealers we buy our gear from will experience the increased restrictions of this change in legislation and may take the same decision as Dave Brown (HeadinthecloudsRC/UKSparesAndRepairs) and be forced to shut up shop permanently.