Video Quality Issue - Mini 4 Pro

If you are shooting video on the Mini4 pro using the D-Log-M profile, your colours may look flat and bland on the files on the drone SD card. However, there is a setting on the controller to make the video look better whilst filming.
When you come to edit your video from the drone SD card, you would need to use the LUT from the DJI site to bring out the range and scope of data encoded in the video.
I don’t think this would account for any pixellation or video stuttering, though.
Ps… Don’t do what I did - massive fingerprint on the lens whilst trying to fit the ND filter :confused:
Hope you get a solution :grin:

@D0c.Col Hi Colin, thanks for the reply. Off the top of my hea, not currently got the controller with me, I think the shoot mode is D-LOG and it shows as AF on the controller. No editing of the footage, just as it comes. Thanks for your feedback on the ND filter. Sorry, cant answer the other questions regarding sharpness and colourising settings at the minute, will let you know tomorrow once I have taken a look. Much appreciate the support.

at 15:40 on DJ’s video his mini 4 pro has gimbal problems too, is it the same as yours?

@tom_ash23 If you do use D-Log M Tom it always looks washed out (at least for me anyway) until you edit it or use a preset LUT. It’s a bit better if you select the colour enhancement with it but still needs editing IMO.

How does the video look if you shoot straight 1920x1080 HD with normal REC.709 colour (not log)? If that looks clean and the motion is fluid it’s likely NOT your camera that’s at fault.
Having ruled out a faulty camera the issue will probably be down to how your computer handles the video files: 10 bit Log, h.265 is hugely processor-intensive and if your GPU doesn’t have hardware acceleration built-in specifically for h.265 it saps resources from the rest of the system - this can result in blocky looking images and skipped frames. It’s not just about the PC having enough brute force, it’s about it knowing what to do with the video codec and being able to decode it on the fly, which is why an entry-level smart phone can play stuff smoothly but a £3k PC might struggle. A codec is like a foreign language: some devices can speak it fluently straight out of the box because it’s embedded, other devices have to attempt to translate it in real time, and that takes a lot of CPU/GPU/VRam resources.

What does the footage look like in the Fly app editor? I know its low res but if it looked ok, its not the camera. :thinking:

Hi All,

Firstly, thank you for all the support for each and every one of you, it is greatly appreciated. I have checked DJ’s video out and I can confirm that this is not the same issue and I think I ruled out the camera. I went into DaVinci Resolve and did some editing, as it was a DLOG file and this restored the colour etc. I have since then changed from DLOG to normal mode and the video footage is clear with colour, similar to the quality of images which is reassuring. I have yet to use the Fly app editor but will definitely test this out on my next flight, when the weather decides to play nice :slight_smile:

Thank you all again for your help, the level of support has been great and I have felt welcomed into this great community!