
I took an environmental photo first of a couple of wasps on an a fallen apple, then once I was happy that they were happy, I went in closer.



@Bilbo Paul,

Hairy little so and so’s aint they. Great photos, I love macro stuff


Fantastic photos :blush:

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What macro lens are you using?
I’ve thought of justifying one but good ones aint cheap, so for the moment I’m stuck with cheap mans extension tubes. They still work mind you, but a bit of nice macro glass would much better.

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Cheers Mike, they are amazing up close.


Thank you Nicola :slight_smile:


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Hi Darren.

I’m an ambassador for LAOWA - I have been using their glass for many years now.

I use the 60mm 2:1 macro lens most of the time (though I have 2 others, the 15mm wide angle and the 85mm R-Series macro lens.

If you can focus and expose manually, as these have no electronic contacts at all, then I would highly recommend their lenses. And best of all, they are not as expensive as branded mainstream manufacturers lenses.

Here is a link to mine (and you can explore others from there) LAOWA LENSES


Wow amazing photo’s, well done :+1:t2:

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Thank you David :slight_smile:
