Dunnottar Castle - Added to Castles and Fortifications in Scotland

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

At time of my visit, there is a no flying allowed while castle is open., but was closed when I visited. Parked at top of the hill off main road and walked down.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 26/06/2020. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Thanks for adding to the map @Cheenix :+1:t2:


lovely film. i do like a castle, and the sea so this is a 2-4-1. music was a little quiet, but very soothing. nice work.

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Great video!

I made a special day trip by train from Edinburgh last October, I only discovered their no-fly policy when I arrived. I got some great photos inside and there was only about 10 other visitors, it was so painful to carry the drone. I did contemplate hanging around until closing time, but the wind started to pick up during the afternoon.

There is an excellent coast footpath from Stonehaven, the train station is on the north side of the town, Dunnottar is on the south, so it was probably a 2 mile walk in each direction. Along the route is the War Memorial.

I first saw the castle from the sea, whilst on a rescue boat course, however that was so long ago that it wasnā€™t a ruin.


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Did the war monument after the castle, still to edit that one, great location and only 10 mins drive from the house ā€¦

One of the places I want to visit in our camper at the caravn club site, looks a nice walk along the coastal path. Just got to wait for all this shit to be over :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


Thats a fine vid of a spectacular site - great flying and processing :+1:

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Iā€™ve been hunting on Google Earth for places to visit/fly, this castle is on my list but I am not sure as or when I will ever get up there
There is a Mansion not far from Uckfield of the A22, itā€™s never been lived in & cost Ā£40 million to build, itā€™s been left to rot for 35 years, on my list also.
Living in Wales there is a lot of nearby places/castle for me to fly first

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Was up here on Monday 19th April and managed to grab some nice footage. I got speaking to one of the Rangers and asked him if I was being a nuisance, despite me trying to stick to the drone laws/rules. He said ā€œwe canā€™t stop you flying, as long as your 50m away.ā€ We chatted a little more and we both agreed to the golden rule ā€œdonā€™t be a dick and be mindful/respectful of others in areaā€

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Hi I am at Stone haven on holiday now but found a white zone over the castle and have never come across this before dose this mean it a no fly zone all the time or dose it change to red at certain times of the year as the description I found was a bit vague. Thanks

I canā€™t see nothing over the castle, it looks fine my end,

Even with every layer turned on in Dronescene there are no restrictions in the area.

Wow, thatā€™s fantastic! Definitely one to add to my ā€˜To visit somedayā€™ list!

great video too - the music is pretty quiet though. I had to turn the volume up pretty high, then another notification nearly made me jump through the ceiling while i was watching :rofl:

Thanks I will early tomorrow morning and see what I can get

Iā€™ve flown here too @Cheenix :grin:

Iā€™ve flown here too @Cheenix :grin:

Great place, i was there sep 19 2022, the day of the funaral of the queen, i was the only one, the castle was closed, i have beautiful pictures, without visitors on it!

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I want to fly here, has anyone got any other tips or advice?


Full batteries and mind the wind coming in off the sea!!!

Go early - before they open the castle to the public, or go late after they shut, as flying drones is then allowed. Evenings are busier than morningsā€¦ Use a larger drone if you can as it is very exposed, and watch out for the birdsā€¦