Can you not just shove more batteries up its arse?
Yeah you will. high pitch props on your 5" and catch a gust
Bigger batteries add weight, and my motors are pretty much spinning at maximum speed that they can they are only rated to 3s.
Damn those laws of physics lol
Dean, your 2s tinyhawk 2 motors are 7000kv. So your 3s toothpick motors are 8000kv?
Its gunna fly at silly speeds or burn out my motors or maybe my props will explode lol
Might have miss judged my motors we’ll see lol
At least you’ll have some more wire guards mate
I’ll have to find the bits of them first lol
Sorry Dean. I’ll keep on topic after this. @SirGunner here’s my bitch. Bit dirty (I like my women like that). But I just can’t be arsed to clean her.
Can’t wait to see it pop
Hahaha I’ve just realised, that’s for the ESC as well not just the flight controller it came as a stack lol
Deano will you be recording her maiden flight and posting the video here?
Yeah of course providing it doesn’t flip out and wreck itself
Haha well that would be worth seeing too lol although would be better to see her whizzing around all over the place at supersonic speeds
I’m not that good of a poilt yet but I’ll do my best lol
You will be. Hit the gaps. It makes you a better pilot quicker
Forget exploding props. Your gunna snap the prop bolts too!
Can’t wait to see it fly
Use a 21W car indicator bulb in series with the Lipo positive lead