2nd Bando

Another opportunity to get to know a new place… It was a really nice day both weather and flying (not that my flying is nice…lol )


You got talent man :+1:


And editing skills :ok_hand:t2:


Nice work and great skills


Tks guys… not sure about talent, but I try :wink:

Currently enjoying the process of learning about the hobby and video editing…


:clap: :clap: :clap: - impressive


Nice skills. How long did it take to get to that level of flying.
I am asking as I grind out the hours on the simulator.

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Tks dude… its 1 year this month.

I’ve noticed that this varies a lot from pilot to pilot, specially if you’re younger. I’ve seen some people flying absurdly with half the time and some not very well with longer. But biggest factor for sure is how much time you put into it between real life and sim. A good practice to improve control is to fly races in the sims.

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I am far from young… (48)

Races is a good tip - at the moment I just to get through 4 gates in a row on a simple couse.

Happy FPV anniversary

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Tks dude.

Also make sure to really practice the basic maneuvers and their variations (turns, rolls, flips…). Watch some videos of pilots explaining those to make sure you don’t develop very bad habits that will ruin your development. It might seem like a waste of time now, but as you progress you will notice that having the basics down really helps a lot when you start moving on to tricks…

I need lessons! That’s great skillyou have.

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